Course Registration
Six hours are offered each semester to a Curriculum Specialist cohort.
Consult Program Director for registration instructions.
Students are placed with competent administrative/supervisory personnel and will observe, participate in, and evaluate curriculum issues existing in public schools, public school systems, or other appropriate agencies. The internship consists of 80 hours.
Product of Learning
The Product of Learning (POL) is intended as a culminating experience and will serve both to encapsulate the accumulated programmatic reflections developed by the student over time and to demonstrate to the profession the increased knowledge and competencies that have been acquired from the program of study.
Students are required to present their POL to their advisor and one other guest with a masters or above in education during their final semester in the Curriculum Specialist program. These presentations take place on the App State campus. Students must upload their POLs to TK20 before graduation.
You must apply to graduate
As the Graduate School states:
Choose the term in which you will graduate, not the term you will participate in the commencement ceremony. If the last semester in which you will take classes and finish all your requirements is Summer Session I or II, then you should list summer as your graduation term.
Note: Students should always apply to graduate in the summer due to the schedule. Students may participate in the following December commencement ceremony.
Graduation and Program Completion Checklist
____complete program of study (33 hours)
____present POL
____upload POL to TK20
____complete application for graduation
____put the December commencement ceremony date on your calendar
Remember the Praxis is required for licensure, not graduation.
____complete Praxis 5412: Educational Leadership: Administration and Supervision
____complete state licensure forms